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Fumble Free S’mores Foil Pack

Yields1 ServingPrep Time25 mins

Fumble Free S'mores Foil Pack

 5 marshmallows
 1 chocolate bar (wrapped in foil or use your own foil)
  cup Bowl & Basket® Chocolate Chips
  cup chopped strawberries
 Graham crackers (for serving)
 Foil (if your chocolate bar doesn’t come wrapped in foil)

On a 8×8 inch piece of foil, place your chocolate bar and add the marshmallows on top. Melt the chocolate and marshmallows on a grill until marshmallows are golden and gooey. Conceal the chocolate and marshmallows with another piece of foil and/or close the grill for best results!


Once melted, remove the chocolate bar and marshmallows from the grill. Crimp the edges of the foil to create a makeshift bowl. Add chocolate chips and strawberries on top. Dip with graham crackers and enjoy!